Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lean Manufacturing Training

Six sigma Training is an excellent education program involving a six sigma model called DMAIC. This model consists of Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. The starting phase of this model is stage zero. The Define phase of DMAIC provides a definition to a project that includes the project scopes and objectives.

The main aim of this technique is to improve the organization's performance by analyzing the data and developing solutions. This training is 100% online program and participants are defined as black belts or green belts upon completion.

The black belt six sigma education is the advanced course of approximately 160 hours training. Participants of this course get intensive training on statistical techniques. Person completing black belt training undergo six sigma project for 4-6 months. The six sigma green belt training comprises of approximately 100 hours training. Persons enrolled into this program get preliminary training on statistical methodologies. After successful finishing the training, green belts are required to complete six sigma project of 4-6 months duration.

The course modules of six sigma certification vary at different education institutions. Although no formal educational qualification is required for this course, it is highly desirable that the applicants should possess knowledge of basic mathematics.

Lean manufacturing training is also an online program involving various lean manufacturing tools. Lean manufacturing is one of the most popular improvement methods in industry. Lean manufacturing helps the companies in improving performance and cost efficiency. Lean manufacturing system in an organization reduces the wastes ie., over processing, overproduction, scraps, unnecessary transportation, stocks of defective products. To get preliminary understanding of lean principle, individuals can enroll into the beginning courses such as lean manufacturing for operators. The hands-on-training on lean subject is for 5 weeks duration. The course modules of lean training vary among different institutions.

Lean management certification comprises 15 modules. The course modules are Overview of Lean, Value Stream mapping, flow, pull, cellular manufacturing, 5S, quick changeover, eight wastes, standard work, kaizen, total productive maintenance, visual management, overall equipment effectiveness, kanban and lean roadblocks. Value stream mapping is similar to process mapping with additional uses for waste identification. This concept allows both management and workers to ascertain the waste in production and supply processes of the company.

Flow is another concept of lean training. Products flow throughout a company. If a product is stopped in any production phase, it will increase the time and costs of the production. Cell manufacturing involves grouping the machinery into cells. Cell grouping enables waste reduction and reduces lead times to customers. You can learn all this and more through an online training course without the hassle and discomfort of regular classes.a


  1. Hi..
    Wow, excellent data regarding this issue of Lean Manufacturing Training. You might want to let me know how long will it take? Because I like to write the thesis or may be it would be nice to detect the thesis writing service.

    Thank you very much

  2. Yeah you are absolutely right dear author, having knowledge about Six Sigma proves really beneficial moreover now a days this feild has much grown as six sigma techniques as on professional level really give you a very better outcome.. I suggest to everyone that they should to have a knowledge about kaizen , lean and six sigma as you are very near to face it... keep sharing dear author...
